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Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool


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Designed With Your Safety In Mind

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Simple To Use

The Qinux Wincrack car safety tool is designed with convenience and ease of use for everyone in mind.

  • No Batteries Needed

The Qinux Wincrack tool requires no batteries or charging to work, making it light and exceptionally convenient.

  • Extremely Durable

Qinux Wincrack is made of industrial-level materials, guaranteeing the longevity and durability of our product.

  • Compact

Whether it’s in your car, on your keyring, or in your purse, rest assured that Qinux Wincrack is always close by when you need it.

Stay Safe With Qinux Wincrack

Car accidents happen when you least expect them. Whether you are going on a long road trip or simply commute every day, you should always be ready to escape dangerous situations.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Flooding Car

If the vehicle you are in is suddenly submerged in water, breaking the window is the best way to escape danger without wasting precious time.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Burning Car

A fire is not only a dangerous trap due to the fuel causing an explosion. The heat can jam the doors, leaving the windows the best way to escape.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Car Accidents

A car crash can leave those inside trapped in seatbelts or behind stuck doors. Qinux Wincrack saves lives by helping smash windows and cut seatbelts.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Stuck In Heat

Animals and children left in hot cars risk deadly heat stroke. Carrying a Qinux Wincrack can help save lives, even if you’re not the one trapped.


  • Seatbelt cutter
  • Window breaker
  • Safety cap
  • Keychain loop
  • Ergonomic grip
  • Compact size

Life With Qinux Wincrack

  • Peace of mind on the road
  • Saves your and your passengers’ lives
  • Effortlessly prepared for everything
  • Always prepared to help those in need
  • Lower risk factors

Escape In 3 Easy Steps

Don’t waste any time when escaping dangerous accidents. Qinux Wincrack is always ready to be used and can be deployed in seconds.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool1.Prepare For Escape

Remove the protective cap and place the steel tip against the corner of a window.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool2.Shatter The Glass

Press the tip to the glass, instantly breaking the window.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool3.Escape The Vehicle

Clear the remaining glass and exit the vehicle through the window.

Excellent For Your Safe Travels

Car accidents can happen to anyone, even the most experienced drivers. Therefore, it’s important to always be prepared to take life-saving measures. Qinux Wincrack was created to help escape life-threatening situations with ease, making this car safety tool a must-have in every vehicle. Experts recommend keeping a minimum of two easily accessible units in each vehicle, making it simple to grab when needed.

  • Breaks windows with one hit

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

  • Cut through seat belt like butter

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

Be Prepared For Anything

  • Stay Safe On The Road

Only a small percentage of people die upon impact or from injuries obtained in car accidents. The most common cause of death – the inability to escape the vehicle in time. With rescue services sometimes taking too long, everyone should be able to save themselves in time of need.

  • 60-sec

In case of a fire, you have 60 seconds to escape before toxic fumes fill the cabin, making you lose consciousness.

  • 11x

That’s how much your chances of survival increase if you have a car safety tool on you in case of an accident.Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

Much More Than Just A Safety Tool

Teaching car safety to your kids from a young age is incredibly important. With proper instructions and tools, their chances of surviving accidents are significantly higher. Qinux Wincrack was created to be simple and comfortable to hold, even for kids, giving them a tool to keep themselves safe. With proper instructions, Qinux Wincrack can help your children get themselves to safety in case you can’t get to them in time.

Qinux Wincrack – Emergency Tool

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